About the Author
David Colamaria works for the Naval History and Heritage Command. In addition to this site, he manages Fighting the War in the Pacific: Company G, 182nd Infantry Regiment, a website designed to tell the story of a World War II United States Army rifle company. The photo below was taken during a visit to the cruiser USS Olympia in March, 2010. For questions or comments on this website, please contact him here.

Bibliography and Citations
The information contained in this website has been collected during research of both written material and photographic archives. For a full list of sources, suggested readings, and citations for quotes and specific facts, please reference the attached PDF document.

Using this Website
All images on the site are part of a database, and when clicked, will open up detail pages with additional information on objects. Clicking on the image in these detail pages will bring up a high resolution version of the image. Thus, it is in your best interests to click on images!
About this Project
This project was completed for the History and New Media course at George Mason University. My research into the Steel Navy is ongoing, and this site represents merely a snapshot of my findings. The website was developed using a customization of the Omeka tool, developed by George Mason University's Center for History and New Media. Pages have been validated for HTML and CSS compliance.