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This head on board the former protected cruiser USS Olympia shows the modern, and somewhat luxurious, facilities available to officers of the ship.

Cyanotype print of sailors doing their laundry in buckets on board USS Olympia, 1898.

A washroom in Officers' Country on board the former cruiser USS Olympia, taken in 2010

A sailor on board USS Olympia shaves. Cyanotype taken around 1898.

The private shower facility in Officers' Country on board the former cruiser USS Olympia, taken in 2009.

Sailors of the battleship USS Rhode Island mug for a photo, covered in coal dust.

This colorized photograph shows sailors doing their laundry by hand on the deck of a Navy warship.

Troops on board the transport USS Mercury stand on deck, awaiting a blast of cleansing water from a fire hose.

Sailors leap off the side of the battleship USS Rhode Island after coaling ship, circa 1913.

Sick bay on board USS Olympia, taken in October 1899.

The restored enlisted head on board the former protected cruiser USS Olympia, shot in 2010.
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